Turning Tables – Emma Welton of damppebbles book blog

Hi folks, meet Emma Welton, one of the most generous souls you’re likely to meet out there in the blogoverse … Tell us a little about yourself, please Emma? 12794623-1

I’m a thirty something stay at home mum to two little people (5 & 2).  I live with my husband, the kids and two black cats which don’t actually belong to us in Wantage, south of Oxford (the cats won’t leave us alone!).  I’m a complete book addict and have been since a young age.  It’s something I encourage in my children too (she likes football, he likes books so I’m halfway there!).  I started my blog, damppebbles, in January 2016 and now can’t imagine life without it.

When did you first get into blog-reviewing?

I still consider myself very much a newbie as I only started damppebbles at the start of 2016.  It’s funny how quickly something can become a part of your life as I can’t imagine life without the blog now!

Give a shout out to a blog-reviewer who deserves a bigger readership …

Ooohh, that’s mean!  Only one?  I’ll have to choose my blog bestie in that case – Joanne Robertson of My Chestnut Reading Tree (https://www.mychestnutreadingtree.wordpress.com)

What books/ writer were your gateway drug into reading in this genre? Have your tastes changed over the years?

I remember feeling quite rebellious and reading a couple of crime novels whilst my friends were obsessing over chick-lit, as a teenager.  I can picture the first crime novel that made sit up and think ‘wow’; it had a blue and black cover and gold lettering.  I can’t remember the name of the author (maybe Michael…) or the title of the book now though!

I’ve dipped my toe in other genres but for me, it’ll always be crime fiction and thrillers.

Ebook or print? What are your views on the pricing of each?

Over the years I’ve grown to prefer reading eBooks.  I like the instant gratification of pressing the ‘purchase’ button and the book being there, like magic!  I also find my Kindle easier to hold.  But there’s nothing like the smell of a new print book, and I like a pretty bookshelf to look at!

You mention pricing, for me it’s important that the author of the work is receiving recompense for the hours of blood, sweat and toil they’ve put in.  It annoys me when I hear that an author is earning 19p per copy sold!  What!! With that in mind, I wouldn’t want to spend more than £4 on an eBook but would gladly spend up to £10 on a print book.

How important is the cover? Give a shout out to the cover that has done it for you recently. the-bird-tribunal

Very important!  As important as the blurb.  The cover and the blurb are what sell the book to you.  It’s what makes your book stand out from the hundreds of others on the shelves of Waterstones.

I was quite mesmerised by the cover of The Bird Tribunal by Agnes Ravatn.  That was something special.  I also love the cover of Belinda Bauer’s The Beautiful Dead.  It makes me want to read it.

What draws you to an author that was previously unknown to you? (The blurb, the cover, the first page, word of mouth, or something else?)

Word of mouth mainly.  I trust my fellow book bloggers taste implicitly.  If they say it’s good, then it’s good!

The first page has drawn you in … what keeps you there till The End?

Twists and turns.  The Unexpected.  Something a little different.  A good number of people being murdered in imaginative ways.  A plot that is always moving and holds my interest.  Characters I can relate to and invest in.

Do you finish every book you start?

Yes, and I see it as a flaw.  Once I’ve started a book, even if I’m getting nothing out of it, I find it almost impossible to walk away from.

Any trends in publishing that put you off/ you are happy to see continue?

It really grates on me when books are compared to Gone Girl or The Girl on the Train.  I disliked both books so it’s the sure fire way to make sure I never read your book.

Any plans to totally turn the tables and write a book of your own?

I would be a dream come true but I have neither the time nor the talent.  Maybe one day when my children are older.


Thanks to Emma for taking part in my Turning Tables series. Here’s how you can connect with her …

BLOG: www.damppebbles.com

TWITTER: @damppebbles

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/damppebbles
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/damppebbles



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