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5 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Nicola Prigg

    Hi Michael, your site is great.
    A friend recommended your site the other day and asked me to come along to your workshop in Ayr. Your site is so easy to navigate and looks so great.
    Have you ever thought about improving your site even more by adjusting how effectively you use your screen space?

  2. Jim Coughlan

    Hi Mike

    Long time no see, big change from Huntswood. Good to see you doing so well. Just read Beyond the Rage and now hunting down your other titles at my local Library in Bourtreehill. Still got my signed copy of the Poetry Collection when you were at Huntswood, knew you would be famous someday. Best wishes.
    Jim C

    1. MJM-ink

      Hey Jim,

      Good to hear from you – and yeah, long time no see. Huntswood feels like a lifetime ago, eh?
      Thanks for the message – and for reading the books. Hope you enjoy them.


  3. Ann Bowman

    Hi Michael. Would be absolutely delighted if you could come to Airdrie to work with Clarkston Primary pupils on developing poetry skills. This would be amazing. I would be very grateful if you could let me know if this was possible between now and the end of June.


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